My first blog post
Welcome to my new portfolio website and to my very first blog post here.
I’m hoping to be writing about my personal projects, my experiences and perhaps also about a few random titbits here and there.
Current projects
I currently have a couple of personal projects in the works:
- This personal website and blog (made with Astro)
- An event planner web app that is a mix of Facebook events and Doodle
- Learning Rust, The Bevy Game Engine, Godot and more
This personal website
For a while I’ve been thinking about starting a blog. At the same time I’ve felt that a personal website would be nice to have, since I am mainly a web developer. It is a way to show my skills to the world and a playground for me to try out different things.
I’ve also wanted to try out the Astro frontend framework for a while and it seems like it is a perfect fit for a website like this, as most content can be added as markdown files, removing the necessity for a CMS or a database.
An event planner web app
For a couple of months I’ve been working on an app, which has been sitting in my head for over perhaps a year or two now.
It is a web app, where users can plan events for their friends and family, but includes the convenience of letting invited guests vote on, which days they are available. So Facebook events mixed with Doodle.
I have a lodge with a group of friends and the main idea behind it is to plan an event for each month. But planning the dates for the events can be a bit hard, as we usually want to place it when most people are available, but managing a Doodle (or just a chat) and planning the event can be a bit tedious. Therefore I had the thought: “Why not mix those two together?”
I’m always learning
About a year ago I stumbled into the programming language Rust via the game engine Bevy.
It seemed interesting, so I gave it a go and boy was I surprised. Having worked mainly with C# and Typescript for the past years, this came with a lot of new ideas, all bound to the compiler.
This threw me off at first, but after reading more up on the matter and talking to some Rust-enthusiastic colleagues about it, I’ve kept coming back to it from time to time.
Most recently it has been a small CLI program for scaffolding files. This might be the first project that I’ll write a blog post about, so I’ll leave the details for then.
Besides Rust, I’ve also for the past half year or so tried out the Godot game engine. It kept coming up in my social media feeds and elsewhere and I also at that time had an idea for a project. I wanted to make a small game for my girlfriend about our first date. The deadline was on our first anniversary the 10th of September, so I only had a couple of months.
The Godot engine has surprised me positively as being quite simple to use and the opinionated node structure helps structure the games better, I think.
End notes
As a final note, I’d like to mention that I’ve recently been having some fun using the new ChatGPT 4 features like integration with DALL-E to generate images. So let’s end the post with one of those: